Fabric Collage – “What’s it all About!” with Jane Haworth

St. Anne of the Sunset 850 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for a lecture by Jane Haworth: Fabric Collage - "What’s it all About!" In this 45 minutes -1 hour combo slideshow and trunk show, we learn more about the Fabric Collage trend, who’s making fabric collage and how Jane makes her fabric collage quilts. We see various examples of Jane’s work over the (more...)

Event Series Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting

SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted by the Saturday before the meeting, by email, to all participants. Any guild member is welcome to attend; zoom link is in Members Only Page.

Event Series Curbside Outreach

Curbside Outreach

Adrienne’s Garage

The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. This tradition expanded in the last few years to include Curbside Outreach - an opportunity to drop off completed work or donations and pick up any or all components for your next (more...)

See How We Sew Retreat

Camp Newman 4088 Porter Creek Road, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Pati Fried, Kirsten Hoseman, and Julia McLeod will be hosting a retreat at Camp Newman March 14-16th 2025. Since the guild only has QuiltAway on non-show years and Camp Newman asks that you book annually to save the calendar slot, we figured this was a win-win! We'll be offering demo's but not full day classes. (more...)

Playing with Textiles Without Machines with Margaret Fabrizio

St. Anne of the Sunset 850 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for a lecture by Margaret Fabrizio: Playing with Textiles Without Machines Scissors, needles, pins and thimbles allowed. No rulers, no blade cutters. That is my approach. Margaret studied quilt-making with Grace Earl, designer at the Chicago Art Institute, and her prize-winning quilts have been exhibited in Northern California, and at New Pieces Gallery (more...)