Two Day Outdoor Free Table & Book Sale
Judy Grady’sThere have been several large donations from members recently - over 50 boxes of quilt fabric, books, and supplies! Our wonderful librarian, Judy Grady, has volunteered to host a Two (more...)
There have been several large donations from members recently - over 50 boxes of quilt fabric, books, and supplies! Our wonderful librarian, Judy Grady, has volunteered to host a Two (more...)
There have been several large donations from members recently - over 50 boxes of quilt fabric, books, and supplies! Our wonderful librarian, Judy Grady, has volunteered to host a Two (more...)
Join us for our monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 20th from 7:00 to 9:00pm. In addition to Announcements and Sew and Tell, we have several mini-workshops for you to learn (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. This tradition expanded in the last few (more...)
On the first Thursday of the month, members gather on Zoom for a virtual sewing circle. Bring a project to show off or work on and hang out! The link (more...)
Join us for a lecture by Pati Fried: Modern Traditionalism. Explore the principles of modern quilt design and how a traditional quilter might use these to challenge their design skills. (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
On the first Thursday of the month, members gather on Zoom for a virtual sewing circle. Bring a project to show off or work on and hang out! The link (more...)
The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. This tradition expanded in the last few (more...)