Board Meeting
Zoom MeetingSFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
The SFQG has purchased Zoom access for all guild members to the upcoming digital workshops organized by Global Quilt Connections. An All-Star cast of 18 quilt teachers will demonstrate some (more...)
The SFQG has purchased Zoom access for all guild members to the upcoming digital workshops organized by Global Quilt Connections. An All-Star cast of 18 quilt teachers will demonstrate some (more...)
The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. And this tradition continues in a new (more...)
Carolina’s talk will cover many different aspects of color so you can better choose color palettes for your next quilt creations. She’ll discuss the chromatic circle and the three variables (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. And this tradition continues in a new (more...)
Join quilt maker Julia McLeod for a full day workshop focused on precision piecing and swift ways to build traditional blocks. Learn accurate ways to make the classic elements of (more...)
Improvisational quilting is an intuitive way of creating quilts. Fern often starts her quilts by playing with scraps or an idea, drawing a rough sketch or wondering: What if? In (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)
The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. And this tradition continues in a new (more...)
Good news! We’re having a mini retreat at Walker Creek Ranch, October 6–9, 2022. You’ll find the registration form on the Members Only page. To secure your choice of lodging, (more...)
In this virtual trunk show, Canadian quilter Brandon Wulff talks about his quilting journey, his business ventures, his autism, and his unique "Biscotti" process quilt. He will show images from (more...)
SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted (more...)