Event Series Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting

SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted by the Saturday before the meeting, by email, to all participants. Any guild member is welcome to attend; zoom link is in Members Only Page.

Event Series First Thursday Sewing Circle

First Thursday Sewing Circle

Zoom Meeting

On the first Thursday of the month, members gather on Zoom for a virtual sewing circle. Bring a project to show off or work on and hang out! The link can be found on the Members Only page. To receive an emailed reminder to the virtual meeting, email our Web Manager.

Event Series Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Adrienne’s Garage

The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. This tradition expanded in the last few years to include Curbside Outreach - an opportunity to drop off completed work or donations and pick up any or all components for your next (more...)

Quilting Against the Odds with Jane Sassaman

St. Anne of the Sunset 850 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for a lecture by Jane Sassaman: Quilting Against the Odds. This visual lecture is about accomplishing your work in spite of obstacles - family life, space limitations, etc.  It is a pep talk and slide show which covers my inspirations and my obstacles.  I encourage people to do "what you have to do" (more...)

Event Series Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Zoom Meeting

SFQG board meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month, except December. Meetings are currently taking place via Zoom. Committee chair reports should be submitted by the Saturday before the meeting, by email, to all participants. Any guild member is welcome to attend; zoom link is in Members Only Page.

Event Series First Thursday Sewing Circle

First Thursday Sewing Circle

Zoom Meeting

On the first Thursday of the month, members gather on Zoom for a virtual sewing circle. Bring a project to show off or work on and hang out! The link can be found on the Members Only page. To receive an emailed reminder to the virtual meeting, email our Web Manager.

Event Series Community Outreach

Community Outreach

Adrienne’s Garage

The San Francisco Quilters Guild has a long history of making and donating quilts to organizations in San Francisco and the larger community. This tradition expanded in the last few years to include Curbside Outreach - an opportunity to drop off completed work or donations and pick up any or all components for your next (more...)

Material Matrix with Sandra Bruce

St. Anne of the Sunset 850 Judah Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

Join us for a lecture by Sandra Bruce: Material Matrix. Sandra Bruce brings us her “Material Matrix” lecture on May 21, 2024. Her technique was inspired by painter Chuck Close. It involves using a gridded photograph and interpreting each 2-inch square into fabric, using piecing to achieve the effect. She will present an overview of (more...)